This is by far the best in the series.
User Rating: 9.7 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PS2
Now, when you talk about excellent sequel's, you're definitely talking about LOTR: ROTK. An excellent end to the ever lasting franchise of Four star rated movies. Gameplay is the same, but that's not a bad thing, the experience system is here, and more improved. You can do more moves with certain character's and you can rack up major points. Graphics are definitely up par with even the xbox version. But, both versions look incredible. Audio is amazing, the actors from the film of course come and lend their voices to the game, and do an excellent job at it. The musical score in this game rivals that of a GOOD star wars game. And that's saying somethin. Value is ok. Reviewer's Tilt, nothin really wrong with the game, except that the multiplayer can get confusin a lil bit.