Game that i kind of liked!!
User Rating: 10 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PS2
i kind of liked this game maily becuase it was based on the movie, also becasue the gamplay was kind of challanging and fun some parts of the game were really hard to play and sometimes i could not plast them until my mind was very concentrated!! the charactes form which i could choose were very intresting to play with and often i could be help by some of the characters that would particicpate on the missions!! the graphics were not bad but i think that they were just perfect for the gameplay and the story plus the tech was not as good as it is now!!
i kind of like some of the scenes that were showed on the game because i had not seen the movie jet so i thought that i was cool to see some pics of the movie!!
i recommend the game to LotR fans its kind of fun!! and very easy :)