Improves well over The Two Towers- This is the one to pick up

User Rating: 8.3 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PS2
I wasn't the most happy with The Two Towers but this one put most of those complaints away. It made it longer, more complex, and other things.

Gameplay-There are 9 characters to play as and they are pretty varied. The hobbits are about the same but other than that they are very different. For instance, Gimli has just about no range and is slow but very powerful as opposed to Legolas who shoots 2 arrows at a time but isn't very powerful with melee weopons. There are 15 levels that are very good and immersive. The mecanics are the same as The Two Towers with a few more things which makes it a more fun experience. The enemies are fun and some of them are kind of scary such as the trolls. There are some ok boss fights but they are very well tied in with the movie. There is always something going on such as a nazgul flying around and catapults launching things.

Graphics-The graphics are actually really different than it's predecessor. They are a little less smooth but they are a lot more detailed. Faces are ok as before but overall there is a lot more detail. The mood of the game is awesome. The visuals are definately a treat.

Sound-Same old stuff. The music is the same with the movie with all of the voice actors of the movie. Sword sounds are the same. There really isn't any difference in the sounds.

Value-With the added multiplayer, more complex fighting, more characters, and online, this game is long. Just replaying the campaign for perfect ratings and interviews, you will spend about 30 hours. The splitscreen is fun but sadly my brother doesn't play me much. The online is good too.

I wasn't dissapointed with this game. It made up the mistakes that TT did. This is a good game and is worth a rent if not a buy.