fun for a lord of the rings game
there are lotsof levels and you must play as the hobbits aragorn gimli legolas and gandalf you can also unlock players by finishing the game they are faramir, merry and pippin.
there are experience levels which you get by killing enemies.
there is a maximum of level 20 for the PC version of the game.
there is co-op mode which is great for two players to beat missions and get experience points.
the game is moderate length and is easy to beat but it gets hardon the black gate level and the top of minis tirith.
you can beat this game in about 6 hours so it is easy.
this game has good graphics and sound so it looks good.
i like this so its ok but it could do with more levels.
so if you are a lord of the rings fan this would be a great game for you.
written by doom_x107