LOTR ROTK is the best movie liscense game ever! *SPOILERS*

User Rating: 8.8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King GC
Where to begin. First off, this is one of my favorite games of all time, so I am extremely biased. You get to play as Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf, with Pippin, Merry, and Faramir available for unlocking. There are many levels and enemies to slay. Each actor lends his voice to the characters. Interviews with the cast are also available. This is one of the best movies ever, it won a bajillion oscars, and probably the only best picture winning film with a game. The gameplay is traditional LOTR hack n slash, with some interactive environments. Their is co-op which is a nice touch. The only really downside is the repetitiveness. Otherwise this is an excellent game. The only thing that makes up for the repetitiveness is the live score, and actor voices. This is a truely good game. Buy, it and bring peace to middle earth!