A fun action game for fans of the films but not without it's share of problems.
The game both looks and sounds very good, graphics are nicely done and the audio cues are straight from the movies. The cinematic presentation includes film and audio clips bookending each level, but it does feel a little like a cut-and-paste rush job. The presentation would have benefited greatly from a bit more atmosphere and artistry, it's like expecting the interface for the extended Lord of the Rings DVD's and getting something akin to what was whipped up for the theatrical releases. It's underwhelming and makes the package feel cheap even if the game itself looks pretty nice.
The levels have an impressive feel as in The Two Towers game, even more so in some areas. There's plenty more characters to choose this go round as well, including Gandalf(!) and the hobbits. Your characters level up and you can spend earned combo points on a new move or two each level, but we're not exactly talking Devil May Cry here. It's pretty light customization overall, and you'll find yourself just returning to the most successful moves anyway.
You do get to unlock a few interesting bonuses along the way, like little clips of the actors congratulating you and telling you why you should play them. There isn't much real replay value to be found unless you've really grown attached to your characters and want to keep leveling to get the super duper moves at the top of the tree. It's all mostly a half hearted attempt to add more substance to a game that goes by quite fast. I played most of the single player campaign and all the way through co-op which was a welcome option to be sure - more games should offer co-op options (especially online, which ROTK does not). The familiar gameplay can get repetitive but it's pretty fun to play given your environemnts. Controls aren't terrible, but they feel a little clunky and don't always react the way you want them to.
A gripe I have with some games is not being able to save more often, and the ROTK developers take it even further by offering not one single check point throughout. This really sucks. It does take time to maneuver through each level and you don't have very many lives, it's a cheap and frustrating way to make the game seem longer. There's even breaks in the gameplay that are obvious check points, but I guess the design team felt otherwise.
So the game looks nice, the music cues and sound effects all add to the experience, there's plenty to enjoy if you're a fan of the films. But if you're looking for a deep and interesting action game with actual plot sequences and character development, you're better off leaving this on the shelf.