this game is terrific for the lotr fans! worthing spending ure 20$ on a game!

User Rating: 9.8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PS2
this game is terrific for the lord of the rings movie, it brings in one of the best video game genres ever made, u can play as so many characters, but alot of them u unlock, u first play as gandalf the white, then aragorn or sam, plus gimli and legolas, it has all the lord of the rings enimies, the king of the dead, the nazgul, shelob, gollum, and orcs! once u beat the game ure free to pick any level u want and have all the lotr characters, not only that u can unlock interviews with the cast and drawings for the game, the background is fantastic, the amo is right, the enemies are terrific to fight, and not only that, u can fight in mordor itself! this game is worth money, hurry to store and buy it before someone else! " The one ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, and in the darkness... BINDS THEM!!!"!!!