"Great game, too bad its just too short"

User Rating: 8.8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King PS2
The Return of the King is the best Lord of the Rings game based on the movie of the same name. The gameplay is very similar to the one of the Two Towers. You begin your characters at level 1, as your further on in the game youll earn experience points, with these points you can unlock new, more devastating moves, also increase your health bar and make a special power longer. The bashing up the enemies is even more fun now, now theres certain challenges that will keep you in you toes. The graphics are good, but Ive seen better. The soundtrack is taken right from the movie, and makes a good tie up between the movie and the game. Altough the game is quite short (can be completed in no more than 10 hours) the true gold in this game is the multiplayer, its just like single player, but with just 2 players. Theres an even bigger challenge in MP wich is keeping yourselves alive (if both of you die 3 times you fail the level, and have to start all over again). Theres something about this game that will make you want to play multiplayer.