Way too hard, even on the easy setting

User Rating: 5.7 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King XBOX
Sorry, I really wanted to like this game, and for the 1/3 of the game I could get through it was a good time. The frequent cut scenes were great, and I liked how they blended right from the actual movie footage directly into the game, very cool effect!

But the frustrating hack and slash ratcheted up way too much, way too soon, and I had to give up about a third of the way into it. I just was not having any fun trying to replay the same parts over and over again. Yuck!

If you really have a lot of patience and don't mind some sore hands, I guess this game is for you - it's just not me. All I know that what this game calls "easy" was anything but that. I'm sure I would have scored the game MUCH higher if I could actually play it.