You can decribe this game in one word, SUCKS!

User Rating: 5.1 | The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age GC
The Lord of The Rings, The Third Age, is a horrible attempt to turn the Lord of the Rings franchise into an RPG. The combat is where this game really sucks. It is boring, even for the biggest turn-based RPG fans. The Graphics are the only part of the game that is well done. They make the world of Middle-Earth look like heaven, well heaven with monsters trying to eat you.

The story is also very good. It compels te player and tries to make them keep playing, even through the bad gameplay. The Story is good, but not good enough to make this game good.

The Audio ain't bad, but it ain't good either. It has good effects, but the music is annoying at times.

So remember one thing. STAY AWAY!!!