Worth a play for any LOTR fans or RPG fans but a few problems.. read my review to find out why..

User Rating: 7 | The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age PS2
I'm kinda a fan of LOTR and RPG games, so I thought this was a good idea, and certainly ambitious.
You play as Berethor, a knight who whilst being atatcked by Orcs is saved by an elf Idrial, I really enjoyed the start of the game as the battle system is turned based and not to fast making it good RPG stuff xD
The story is a bit messed up but you end up following the fellowship and in some places of the game even get to place as aragon, legolas, gimli and gandalf :D
You also get to fight some classic battles, such as fighting the balrog, ring wraiths and Urak Hai at helms deep.
There ARE random encounters in this game.. so some more experienced RPG fans may get a little bit bored, in some places personally I thought there were to many of them, this can get really tedious.
But this isn't a bad game if you can play it through to the end and have plenty of time on your hands.
One of the features I really enjoyed was 'evil mode' once you moved on from one area to another you would unlock the 'evil mode' for that area were you got to play as the enemies against your party - you can even play as the balrog once you have passed Moria.
I really recomend this for LOTR fans and many RPG fans because this is definetely worth playing and is pretty good value to.
I don't reccomend this to inpatient RPG gamers or people with not much time on their hands.
I hope this review helped/