Good turn-based RPG for everyone!

User Rating: 8.6 | The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age PS2
Third age is a turned based RPG in which you control a second fellowship who is tasked to follow boromir. You will visit all the main locations that are dipicted in the movies, including Moria, Minas Tirith and the Pelennor Fields. This game borrows a lot from Final Fantasy X with it's turned based battles and character advancement, which is nice. You'll fight a lot in this game but most of it is really good and will keep you interested. When you complete a section you can replay it being the bad side but it's only to pad the value of the game and is more interesting on paper than it actually is. The same can be said by the 2-player COOP this game offers.

The graphics are excellent. The character models are awesome and when you put on new equipement you actually see it. The game will chug sometimes but it's not something that will bother you. This game has a lot of movie clips and comments from Gandalf.. it's a nice touch.

The sound effect is also excellent. A lot of the music and sound effects seems to be lifted from the movies. The voice-overs of the new characters are as good as the ones from the movies.

The gameplay is a standard turn-based RPG but you move around in a third-person view which is nice. Some enemies are displayed on the screen but most of the fight are random... at least there's a radar telling you a fight is coming.

If you like RPGs you should give it a try... if you are a LOTR fans you should also give it a shot because it's very well made and all of the main locations and events from the movies are presented well in this game.