Strictly for Lord of the Rings fans or those who must at least try every RPG out there.

User Rating: 6 | The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age PS2
Well I got this game for Christmas, and even though I wasn't exactly excited to play I felt I should give it a try. The visuals are nice for a PS2 game, but the frame rate can be weird at times. The combat is the traditional turn based system, but without much of the graphic flair for spells and such that other RPGs have. The storyline doesn't exactly come as a surprise, seeing as how popular the book series and movies are. The entire time I kept thinking it myself that it feels like they took Final Fantasy X, took out all the heart and quality that Square put in it, and then re-skinned it with a Lord of the Rings theme. Right now all of the Lord of the Rings fans are probably getting ready to give my review a thumbs down, but please remember that it is merely my opinion, and please at least rent it first, because the game isn't for everyone. If you you're into Lord of the Rings, or just plain anything tat fits in the RPG genre, you may enjoy this. I found it to be pretty stale and uninspired.