Great fun,also, obvious a lot of time went into making the game just right, which wasn't done for any other LOTR's game!
Actually the Graphics are pretty good, and the landscapes and levels look like something right out of the movie. You can tell a lot of time was put into the game because with the ability to play as 3 characters, the game was made just the right length to not make you want to stop after beating the game with one character. And the game was made just so that you wouldn't mind going through and playing all the same missions over again with a diffrent person. I LOVE the RPG integration here, you can level up but not to such a redulous amount like it hardcore RPG's. You can also buy upgrades with the experiance you gain. I also like the fact that not only were some new music score's added into the game but some of the original's heard in the movie was added as well!
If you only play through and beat the game as one character you would probably get no more than 6 hours of gameplay. so the overall game is short. (This is excluding any of the little side things you can unlock that have no weighing on the game's main story line) It seems as though some of the upgrades are un-reachable without having to play through with a character twice, which for me would have ruined playing through with all the characters (luckily there are cheat codes)
Great game, that I will eventually go buy again (broke my last copy) and you should check this one out. especially if you like the movies, cause its the only game that does them any justice.