Not nearly as good as LOTR: The Return of the King, but still a fun hack n' slash.
This is EA games first take on the franchise, with the previous book game tie in made by Black Label Games, so EA games have outdone themselves and even packed in levels and clips from the first film as well making the game a decent length. The game features many short clips from the film, breaking up and leading into the action as you travel to and through various places, which you will recognize from the first two films. There are some issues with the sound overlay to some of these movies, to the point where it is noticeable, but this is minor.
The gameplay is your standard action/hack n slash. You have a range of fairly standard attacks, including a 'quick attack' (which acts as your all round attack), a slower, but more powerful 'strong attack' (useful for braking shields and knocking enemies over), a 'kick back' (again, useful for knocking enemies over or back), a parry, and a 'finishing move' (which is used to instantly take out downed enemies unfortunate enough to be helpless on the ground). Some characters even have a bow, allowing them to take out the various enemies you will encounter during the game from afar. By grouping these different attacks (mainly the quick and strong attacks) together, you can string together some quite impressive combos. Just like its successor; LOTR: The Return Of The King, The Two Towers suffers from the same camera issues. The camera dances all over the place, at times providing a cinematic experience, while at others just being plain darn annoying if you can't see were your going.
There are three different characters you will use during the events in the game; Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. The characters aren't very different in the way they handle, but they're animations are completely different. The characters level up independently, in an almost RPG fashion, getting stronger and gaining better combos and abilities the more you use each one. Unfortunately this tends to cause most players to level up one character and beat the game, without trying to level up the other two. It would add an interesting aspect to the game if certain levels or bosses were easier to beat of complete with a certain character, making each character more valuable and giving a reason to change between levels.
The graphics do a good job of recreating the beloved world of Middle Earth. Whether it be in the Mines of Moria, or the walls of Helms Deep, the backdrops beautifully converted into the game. However some of the character models aren't so well done, but most of the time you will be slashing at enemies to quickly to notice.
The music is the score from the films, so no disappointments there. The sound effects are top notch, along with the original character voices from the film.
Unfortunately however, the game lacks co-op or multiplayer. This was a very fun part of the Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King, which featured Co-op, allowing you and a friend to hack and slash your way through the hordes of Orcs you were bound to encounter. The lack of multiplayer support reduces the re-playability of this title to 1-3 plays.
Overall, Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers is a fun hack n' slash that unfortunately doesn't have any multiplayer and thus there isn't much to come back to here.