Beware! Not all versions are the same. Some are much worse.
The Jamdat version sold by T-Mobile to its Motorola customers is nothing like Gamespot's description. There are no ringwraiths; there is no fight atop Weathertop; there are no outdoor environments; the levels are monotonous, cave-like, and filled with goblins and nothing more. The controls are poorly designed and imprecise, collision detection is mediocre, and combat is a bore. The game is five short levels, none of which bear any obvious relationship to the movies. Though there's nice music during the title screen, during gameplay, you get nothing more than a few blips and beeps.
Moreover, the gameplay is simply running around a maze, pulling levers. I can't recall any lever-pulling in the Lord of the Rings. Even the hiding aspect is underutilized. Because you can only use it while standing still, and the difficult points require speed, there's little to no reason to hide.
At least the transitions are written in pretty script. Too bad the text itself is bombastic and bears no clear relationship to the nearly-identical levels.
The version I have can only be known as "cashing in." A mediocre run-and-jumper with a pseudo-gloss of a license. It's unclear why anyone would buy this over far superior titles in the genre such as Prince of Persia or Splinter Cell. I'm not sure what game Gamespot is raving about, but it's not the Jamdat Lord of the Rings Trilogy for Motorola phones.