The intro was one of the most anti-climactic, low-production intros for a videogame I've seen in years! Absolutely dismal. The voice acting sounded like an amateur actor; Max Payne almost has more inflection in his voice! The music in the intro sounded like a college student with garbage midi tones wrote it; I almost didn't even start the game because the intro was so low-production; I cannot stress that enough. Textures have the "rainbow-color-palette" of Warcraft. Opening Good Campaigns terrain was not very distinct; depth perception not very immediately-recognizable; many areas of terrain that look as if they can be easily-traversed are not accessible; disappointing. Character voice acting pathetic as well. Low depth for us "builders" in the game. Characters are indistinct visually except for the color combinations. Super-low polygon count per char. Nothing exciting; killed the Orc Captain; he just took a pummeling quicker but looked no more terrible than a regular orc. Second CD is chock full of "art" - who gives a rats a$$?!?! What a waste. I knew guys in high school that had better artistic skills than about 1/3 of the included drawings. Some of these JPGs were enormous - 4MB for some Balrog picture that I could dumb-down to 200kb and fit my screen w/no loss of quality - who put these JPGs on there and why? I'll never know. Oh I am so underwhelmed, so disappointed and so frustrated that not a single truly great game has been inspired from the last great storyteller - Tolkien!? It is just an absolute travesty. Shame on Liquid Entertainment. Of all games the concept of WotR had the greatest flex and meat and is quite possibly the worst (as far as PC LotR games are concerned)! Booo!
Other Helpful Reviews for The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring
Indeed, the game was great. It had a comparatively easy learning curve and more or less followed the plot and characters of the trilogy - well, I think less would be a more appropriate one. War of the Ring controls w... Read Full Review
Lord of the Rings War of the Ring is a rts for the pc developed by Liquid Ent. and published by Sierra Entertainment . in War of the Rings you can play as two different factions , the good side where you play as elfs h... Read Full Review