I could have bought a car with all the money I spent on this game.
Either by yourself or with a friend, You go through multiple levels of dinosaur shooting action. Most of the time you will stay with your standard pistol, shooting offscreen to reload. Once in a while you may aquire another weapon, but after only after a little while you will return to your normal pistol. Most of the time you will just try and unload as many shots as you can into a dinosaur, but that changes during boss fights. The boss fights are spectacular. You face giant enemies that will try and attack you, and you must shoot certain marked points in order to prevent their attack and damage them.
Though dated, the graphics are still fun to look at. The dinosaurs, enviorments, and so on are pretty nice. Though simple, each part of the world has a somewhat interesting design.
If you ever see a machine, jump in, sit back, and make sure you have a few hundre quarters.