The classic stuff was good the new stuff was crap

User Rating: 3.9 | The Matrix: Path of Neo PS2
Usually I say a whole bunch of stuff about graphics and awesome violence. This time there will be little or none of that.

First off, this is a rent game, rent it, play it, give it back. Trust me.

Secondly don't entirly be turned off by the rent comments. The gameplay during the fight scenes you know and love is great but the new add ins are crap. On one hand you have lobby scene and on the other there is a whacked out level with bugs and multi dimensional world.

So basically the great scenes from the movies are enjoyable but the training - which takes an hour, and other objectives, - which sadly makes up most of the game.

umm the graphics aint great, and the good music from the movies is gone. And there is no multiplayer which means once you play it you'll most likely touch it ever again.