This game could have been worked on a little longer. but the combat owns!

User Rating: 8 | The Matrix: Path of Neo PS2
When I first played I was a little disappointed the graphics could have been alot better controlls are a little button mashy, but when I started doing hand to hand combat I stopped noticing the little annoying things. In this game I don't like using guns, the bad guys die to fast and its no fun in bullet time. Its just the melee combat that makes it fun. Truth is I am not used to playing stairghtforward games like this. After every mission you go in this wierd thing that lets you look at your abilites and sometimes lets you pick one. Its, to me an average game that I wouldn't buy fun for a rental. Just take note of the voice acting it is questionable and the random bits of movie clips put together I understand it but its annoying. Its also fun for the things they change in the game like how Neo runs away from the agents and other stuff like that.