The combat system is completely different from Enter the Matrix, however it is still loads of fun.

User Rating: 8.2 | The Matrix: Path of Neo PS2
This is one of those games that has a nice combat system. Games I feel have good combat systems are

Prince of Persia
Enter the Matrix
Mortal Kombat Showling Monks
Kya Dark lineage --- (Actually this game totally rocks once you open up her moves. You can jump over dudes heads etc it is a lot like Prince of Persia but allows you to do a lot more. Unfortunately to be able to really enjoy the combat system you have to unlock lots of moves, which takes a while, but it is very fun getting there.)
God of war --- (although a bit simplistic)
Zone of the Enders
Batman rise of zin tsu – (This was okay once you opened up the moves)

If you like these types of games then get Path of Neo.

I just whooped Matrix Path of Neo in one day. This made a great rental in my mind because I do the monthly deal, $19 for one month. I rent as many games as I like from my local video store, as long as I only have one checked out at a time. So a fun 8-10 game rocks. That means I get to rent more games in that month.

If you loved the first matrix game like me, then this game might be disappointing if you were hoping for the same combat system. I absolutely loved the first combat system it was like Prince of Persia sands of time in a way, very open ended. Well this is ‘totally different’. The shooting I think is improved but the hand to hand combat disappointed me. Although it was fun, it was nothing like Enter the Matrix which I love.

The reason I love Enter the Matrix is the same reason why I love Prince of Persia, the combat system.

Regardless, this is a great game, with some cool boss fights. I loved fighting all those agent smiths, that was awesome.

You can throw together some nice combos, however most of it is automatic. You push circle knock your dude off balance, then hit triangle to attack him a few times, then you can grab him with circle and throw him or do some other power move. Although all this looks very cool and different, the button pushing is the same, very simple. Enter the Matrix like Prince of Persia lets you do a whole lot more as far as throwing together open ended combos.

But at least the combo system was not as lame as pushing up down circle triangle circle in a certain amount of time or it will not work.

In this way the combat system is somewhat open, that is you can choose to attack them first to knock them off balance a bit then use circle to grab then you can choose what to do next from there and so on.

The coolest thing about the combat system is the link function .You can push the analogue stick towards on enemy plus circle then quickly press circle and the analogue stick towards another enemy then triangle or X and down etc and do a linked move. That is attacking those enemies at the same time. He does some fantastic moves.

The slow motion is much improved. Although your life will regain if you just sit in one place except during some boss fights, the focus meter does not. Well depending where you are in the game the focus will replinish it self a tad bit if you sit and do nothing. But it will only fill up a very small amount. If you wish to fill your focus meter you need to pull of some combos.

Just like before holding down focus lets you aim better and do powerful hand to hand combat moves, and there are finishing moves which are nice.

There is no doubt the combat system is FUN, it is just a lot different.

The reason I stress combat system in games I review is because that is the most important thing for me in a game. If I do not enjoy the combat system I will not enjoy the game. This is why I do not like mindless beat ‘em ups like diablo, sorry no offence the game is just way to basic.

So I write my reviews for those like me, they want a game that allows you to do lots moves and is fun to do, this is one of those games.

There is also an evade button which is nice.

Yes you can still Jump off the walls and attack, actually there was two types of attacks you can do off the wall.

Some of the throwing attacks are just awesome.

The most guys you fight on screen at a time is 7, although it is a constant 7 when fighting agent smith this one battle.

PS3 will have games we can fight on screen like 30 guys that will rock.

The level design is nice, some memorable boss battles as well.