Mindless button mashing, sub-par graphics, and an altered ending (no spoilers here) that's less clever than annoying.
Once you’ve started the throw move you can drag other near by enemies into it’s effect. While the multiple “throw” moves (often they’re fancy combos instead) are pretty cool to look at, and vary pretty well (different weapons open up different combos) it’s ultimately just eye candy that wears thin after about an hour. You’re still doing the same thing. Rapid tapping triangle until they stop blocking. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
The gun play in the game isn’t that interesting, there’s no manual aim, so you just keep firing whilst leaping around the room, and watch as your shots home in. Yawn.
Some of the side missions they chose to invent to elongate the game were just a bit too ridiculous. Again, I don’t intend to make any spoilers here, but suffice to say: At one point you will be fighting large humanoid fire-ants……..’nuff said.
Other new skills will come along, including bullet stop and charge up moves that initiate an insane combo (more eye candy). Again, pleasing the first time you see it, but eventually pretty boring.
Don’t pick this game up for the game play you’ll be disappointed. If you should plan on picking it up because you’re curious about the alternate ending, don’t. You’ll be left saying “wow….that’s just ****ing silly.”