If the Controls and Graphics was better it could have been a great Game...
How could a Game look so bad after the Developers said it whould run totally smooth???The Controls are totally chaotic,even if the Shooting is a bit better than in Enter the Matrix,the Lock-On is worse than in any other Game.
Second Opinion (after 3 hours):
I got used to the bad Graphics.At least the Faces of the Characters are nice made.The Controls are still bad,but equal what you do it looks cool.And works.There are a lot of Melee-Weapons which can put some nice moves on the screen.A bit sneaking,much fighting,a bit shooting with a Minigun...not bad.
The Game looks terrible.They wanted too much and so the game is one of the worst looking I know.After 2h you get a bit used to it.The Controls are chaotic,but they work.Fans will be a bit disappointed,but they can take a look,but for all other people are much better games out there.