Great for fans of the Matrix trilogy, but it will wear out it's welcome for anyone else.

User Rating: 7.1 | The Matrix: Path of Neo PS2
I had heard a lot about this game from my friends at work, so I had to pick it up and give it a try. I can at least honestly say that it was better than Enter the Matrix.

THe story revolves around Neo this time around, and follows the movies, twisting and turning from them ever so slightly in an attempt to keep things interesting. These alternative paths (or extra scenes, depending on how you want to look at it) vary from being interesting to seeming tacked as shallow filler (the bondage club was pushing it for me). While I personally enjoyed that they didn't try to copy the movie directly, I wish they would have put a little bit more effort into where it went.

You learn skills by selecting a new one every time you beat a level. These skills can be used in combat by pushing certain button combinations. Since they often show you what button will get you a combo on the bottom of th3e screen, its not hard to chain together combos to really do some damage. Unfortunatly, I found that even though the combos seemed cool and impressive at first, they lost their flair by the time I was halfway through, and it just annoyed me having to wait through a series of 'high speed' punches in slow motion before I could continue my attack.

The music was appropriate throughout the movie, and usually corrisponded to the settings well. I did have some bugs in the game involving the attacks. When you did certain moves, and the enemy had walked oor flew out of range, the game would sort of just push him back in range, so your move would hit him. Or you would just jump next to him. This seemed sort of cheap to me, as instead of overlooking it they could have added an actual teleportation sequence or something to explain this poor coding.

All in all, I would suggest renting before buying. I'm glad I rented it, but I'm not the biggest fan of the Matrix. All I can hope for now is that Neo is finally going to retire.