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User Rating: 9.6 | The Matrix: Path of Neo PS2
The Matrix Path Of Neo is the third game released invlocing the Matrix trilogy (for those who don't know what the secong game is, It's The Matrix Online, a massive multiplayer online set just after all the humans find out there in a program) and is by far the best one yet. For this game, you follow the path as the one, Neo (or Mr Anderson) insted of som other character from the trilogy. You start off in the first film (obviously) were you have to try and escape the building where the agents are after you. You do every mission Neo does in the film, with a little but more. For example, the escape scene in the film where Neo has to get out of the building is about 3-4 mins long, whils the game level lasts about half an hour. So anyway, you follow Neo and hone your skills to become, the One. This game is amazing and i can't stop playing it. Just the other day i did the scene from the second film where you have to fight hundreds of agents Smiths and it was mind blowing. This game is a must have in my view. Plus the ending different, but i haven't got that far yet. I just know cause it says on teh cover