Matrix fan? Then don't miss out on this game! Not a Matrix fan? Stop reading.
User Rating: 9.6 | The Matrix: Path of Neo PS2
The Matrix: Path of Neo is definitly a must-have for fans of the Matrixs movies. Push aside graphic problems and some gameplay issues, the game is really good. You follow the path of Neo of course throughout all three movies. They pretty much go along with the movies for most of the time but do have added things here and there to make the game interesting. The first movie is the longest you'll play in simply because it has more of the training and getting to know the game. It does include the end lobby shoot-out scene that may be short but still fun to play. It includes the famous bullet dodge that created spoofs all over. The Matrix Reloaded is not as long as the first but is still pretty good. It does include the fight in the park with all the Smiths. Finally, The Matrix Revolutions, the last Matrix movie made. This part of the game is the shortest and fans know why. This has more fighting between the rest of Zion and the machines then Neo battles. So because it's about Neo you won't fight as much. But you do have the big climatic end where Neo fights Smith in the rain, flying and all. If you're thinking that "oh you beat Smith and that's the end just like in the movie" you're wrong. The brothers came together and created a whole new ending for the game which includes a pretty nice cut-scene before it. I won't say what the ending is but I will say it's not what you'll expect. So if you're a Matrix fan and loved the movies like I did, this is your game.