Path of neo..... more like the path to BlockBuster.

User Rating: 6.1 | The Matrix: Path of Neo PS2
I firt thought that this game was going to be more the great, but soon i realize that it came with to many bugs. One, was the sound while most of the time was good, some time it just didn't match with was going on. Example: The crane (where you got to save one of the captain wit one) Well while plyaing the mission it took about 5min of me dogging bullets for the "Operator" to come and say: "Neo, i rig the crane so you could use it as a weapon" In the mean while i'm on the crane controler and its telling me "you can't use this now" This and other bugs turn this game from a must have to a rental. Even thou the game has some cool cualidities it just can get to anoying sometimes. The good thing is that the graphics are good and the animation of the move (sometime you get your ass kick for no reason) is pretty good. While making you think you got the power over the events that occur during the thrilogy.... Think again, yes there is some stuff never shown in the movies but it is a recuirement (miss spell) for a video game. For exzmple there should be more elements like in KOTOR I and II. Then we would had have a aswsome game (miss spell)