The best movie trilogy ever made, and then it became....this.

User Rating: 3.6 | The Matrix: Path of Neo XBOX
If you have ever seen the Matrix trilogy, then maybe, just maybe, you could see this as a good game. Or you could write it off as crap. First of all, this game assumes you've seen all the movies and understand it perfectly. If you have, then we can talk about the story (or lack therof); if you haven't, then you are royally screwed.
The entire story is told through movie clips that are editeted together to an almost hilarious extent. Neo begins talking, only to have Morpheus finish his sentence.
Gameplay is mediocre, you just hold down Foucus (L), dodge, then punch a lot. Then you do it again until everyone is dead. Most weapons are ineffective, except for the grenade launcher, which you obtain all of twice in the game. Puzzles are stupid, and the all-powerful 'Agents' are just SWAT units with more health.
Graphics are ugly, and I mean UGLY. In the screen where your moves are shown off in code, it's not even IN code! It's just unmoving, green lines. Enemies are repetetive, and you can't tell the difference between an m16 and an SMG. Big mistake.
Sound is pretty bad, I fought Morpheus and he said "quit trying to hit me and hit me" excatly 11 times. ELEVEN!
Overrall, the game is a punch-fest. If you want to play through a bad game for a few cool combos and fight scenes, go ahead. Just make sure you buy it cheap. Anything over 20$ IS CRIMINAL. Wachowskis, I'm sorry.