Why inflict so much pain on the player ?!! Moing around is tedious beyond belief.
To cut a long argument short, it DOES NOT MATTER how good a plot or puzzles a games has if it PUNISHES players by subjecting them to long repetitive boring action sequences.
As with all adventures, you have to travel around back and forth trying to work out solutions and trying out different things. Moving from one place to another is simply PAINFUL. Sorry, there is no other word for it. To illustrate my point: This is what you need to go from your office to your appartment : You have to navigate your character slowly through several screens in your office (8s) , then negotiate slowly through the lobby (5s), then slowly to your cab (5s), the watch a slow repetive action sequence of you taking your PDA out of your pocket ...... unlocking your car door...putting your PDA back. .. .....door slides open ... you climb in...... everythinkg in slow motion EVERY frigging time (12s) !!! You then get out of your car, walk sloooowly across the large screen to your appartment entrance (8s), the wait for the lift to move up 24 floors (yes, all 24 of them, every time) (5s), navigate slowly down the corridor wit changing screens as you go (6s), eventually into your flat. What the heck .. I have wasted 2 damn minutes just to get from 1 point to another. Why subject me to this every time ???????? This is IRRITATING. I couldn't care how good the plot is or how good the puzzles are. By the time I have played 1/4th way along the game, I just cannot bring myself to go through the above exercises in ultimate boredom any longer. I had to stop. I have lost all interest.
I am sure things would have been entirely different if I could just click button on a map screen can quick travel from 1 place to another . I would taken this feature as standard..... it really makes you appreciate simple things like these when they are conspicously absent.
You have been warned. Developers take note