Nothing short of brilliance

User Rating: 8.7 | The Movies PC
An awesome sim-type one player game that puts a spin on normal simulators. Personally, I like the fact that you progress throughout all of the genres: from 20's silent films, to 50's sci-fi and romance, up to the modern mega-blockbusters.

Consider yourself the executive at a fledgling movie making corporation. You have to develop a cohesive and productive staff ranging from actors to groundskeepers to researchers.

Maybe the name isn't as revealing as one might think. You don't just make the movies. Movie making is just one part of the plot. Every 5 years there's an award show (kind of like the oscars) that rates the top studios in various catagories. When you win awards, you are, in turn, rewarded with new facilities and stages and props and various decorations for your studio grounds.

Graphics are good. Sound is ok, but I turned it off because it got annoying after the first 15 minutes. Make sure you have enough time to devote before sitting down. This game is a real time consumer. Just ask my girlfriend.