I want to make this review snappy cause I don't have much time. Like I said above this is great. You can produce most of what you want with the expansion pack and choose your stars look and everything. I was amazed by it. However, the only thing I dislike about the game is the ability to create a serious movie. Most of this disability is caused by the fact that the game has a very cartoony feel to it, and does not let you tone down color in your final product. Also, the motion capture is very amateur (if any motion capture was used. It looks like someone created the motions through just point-dragging techniques, which you will learn about if you ever take a game or 3d modeling class). However, the flaw does not bother me that much, as I am not a serious person and like to make comedy movies.
On top of the editing, another huge part of the game is running your own studio. I found it really fun to be able to build and maintain a studio, hire people, make it look pretty, build trailers for stars, put up sets, manage salaries, make people rehearse, watch them film movies, etc. I do not like star misbehavior though, as it makes it extremely difficult to produce custom scripts. I have two save games, one is a sandbox with misbehavior enabled but I only produce those cheap movies that scriptwriters will write for you. The other save game is the one I have misbehavior turned off and I make custom scripts with.
First off, I must say I'm not a big sim fan. I played Simcity 4 and the Sims, but overall I'm more of an action and FPS gamer. But this game is amazing. As many have already stated, there are really two different parts t... Read Full Review
Alright I will make this brief and to the point! The game is awesome. Graphics There decent. Nothing like F.E.A.R, but maybe just shy above The Sims 2!! Sound The audio is what you make it. Yeah you can im... Read Full Review