Finally here and well worth the wait.
Excellent varity of sets and options help highlight this game and its fresh approach to gaming, make horror to sci-fi its all there. A few things mar a perfect scoring game though; There is no dragging and dropping items like trees cars and other things to make your studio look nice while the game is if your looking to shift things around to make room you have to grab a builder and put him on the move option while the game is ticking away, can cause valuable time loss when trying to correct some lot design problems to make space for a movie you have to construct a set for. Also this causes some issues when trying to construct upgraded trailers for stars..would be easier to be able to drag and drop while paused. The star icons on the left side would have been nicer if instead of minimizing it would have allowed you to scroll down or change to a second page..or organize them into Male stars, female stars, directors and so on to reduce screen clutter. Character graphics should have been a little better but they are still good enough to not impact the game greatly
Custom movie making shines in this game, you ever wanted to make a movie nows your chance...though it can be limited at times restricting what kind of scenes you can make but overall a good game that stands out above most releases over the last few months