Meets my high expectations but the learning curve is steep

User Rating: 8.1 | The Movies PC
I was a late-comer to the pre-release fandom for The Movies and didn’t have to wait as long a some, still it was almost unbearable, rather like waiting for Christmas to arrive so I could open my presents. But the wait is over and I am happy with the game.

The amount of on-screen information to absorb is the greatest obstacle to enjoyment in the game. Trying to figure out what my stars want and satisfy their desires is made all the more difficult by the “thin” instruction manual included in the game. I am certain that some will say, “Go buy the Strategy Guide!” but I believe that for the price tag, Lionhead could had included at least a .pdf file with a more robust manual. Sid Meiers was able to, why not Lionhead?

The movie making process is enjoyable with enough variants in costumes and sets to avoid feeling too repetitive. The advanced movie-making mode helps to alleviate this but tends to distract from the pure business management focus of the game. Most will enjoy the diversion, it is fun after all, but I find that spending too much time in the writing process means the rest of the studio goes to hell in a hand basket. Hey! Just like real life!

Scripting movies in the advanced movie-making mode is limited by the canned nature of the scenes available but this is a tradeoff that one must accept for playability sake. Some have expressed disappointment but this is a business simulation. The movie-making ability is a nice add-on. Anyone who wants unrestricted ability to direct virtual actors ought to skip this game and go straight to 3D graphic design programs.

I haven’t tried the editing software yet but if I ever get the desire to publish my movies, I will probably export the movie to a more expensive, professional editing software. This is not a lick on Lionhead. They should be commended to putting so much into the game.

I look forward to many enjoyable hours playing this game…if I ever get past the steep learning curve.

Battle Studios