If you've got some creativity and have the patience to really get into it, The Movies can be a fantastic experience.

User Rating: 9.1 | The Movies PC
In The Movies you are the director, you run the studios, and you make the movies...

GAMEPLAY: Well, right off the bat The Movies is a little hard to get into. You start in the 1920's with VERY limited technology. So this idea doesn't necesarily work too well, because you can't really do much so I start getting the picture that this game isn't that open. That's not true, if you give it time, it just might grow on you and I eventually found out just how open the movie making possibilities can be, but some still may not be pleased with the resources at your disposal.

Making your own custom film is pretty simple once you get the hang of it. First, you choose your stars and director, then choose the genre. (Choosing the genre really doesn't effect the movie much seeing as to how you still choose any kind of scene).
Second, you pick the sets and the "scenes". This is where some people became dissapointed. You don't actually 'make' your own scripts. You actually choose from a couple hundred or so 'pre-made' scenes meaning you just stick your actors into different slots. However you can adjust the lighting, the camera angle, the costumes the actors are wearing at that time, or even the amount of violence and intensity of a fight scene, and also even adjust the type of scream you want from a frightened charactor. When you really explore the scene options there are certainly thousands of possibilities for your films.
Finally, after you finish selecting and placing your actors in your chosen scenes, the movie is automatically shot, meaning you'll watch your actors shoot their scenes if you wish. After this you have the ability to make post-production enhancements. These include selecting music (which is automatically selected otherwise; you can also upload your own music), add voice acting (very cool), and add more sound effects (which you can also upload your own). (Also, hopefully more scene options will be available in the expansion. A lot more!)
To really get an idea you just have to watch some of the good user uploading movies at The Movies's official website.
One problem to me is that it's hard to make a serious film you can take seriously. It's as if your virtual actors don't take themselves seriously. So I haven't made a serious film yet. All mine are just spoofs or short and fun little movies.

The Movies's main mode in which you run a studio is only REALLY fun for a while. It gets a little stale and it's actually not the best sim out there. Most will spend time with just the movie making.

For the most part the movie making takes a fairly creative mind and a load of patience. A good idea is to simply have an idea of what you want to make. I also find it fun to export your movies to other people at The Movies's official website.

GRAPHICS: Simply, the graphics do their justice. The game's map at your studio scales nicely, and everything looks very crisp from the buildings to the actors (I was running on highest settings).

SOUND: I noticed some sound glitches here and there, for example, in one of my movies almost all of the sound was a little delayed: like when a man was shot and the actual shot was heard after his was hit. Also the music is usually appropriate and has a FANTASTIC variety to support the different moods created in the movies.

VALUE: It's easy to talk about the value. This game will last as long as you can come up with ideas.

- Scene options aren't quite as quantative as we'd like
- Some sound glitches
- Actual studio mode isn't that great of a sim

BOTTOM LINE: Well, I liked The Movies. I'm excited for the expansion. I enjoy making movies cause it's just so simple. I've always had a desire to learn to make Flash movies, but that was too complicated. The Movies makes it much easier. Overall: If you've got some creativity and have the patience to really get into it, The Movies can be a fantastic experiance. I just hope more people buy it!