Good, but it gets stale really quick.

User Rating: 7 | The Movies PC
This games was fun, don't get me wrong, but I probably wouldn't buy it if I knew just how short this game was. A lot of people seem to think this game was a work of art, but for me, after one campain and a few hours of making movies I was done with it. Unless, you or your kid is obsessed with a dream of on day making movies, I might suggest passing this one up.

Gameplay: The actual gameplay was fair enough. The goal was to ruin a studio much like you would on rollercoaster tycoon. You hire builders, janitors, extras, scriptwriters, scientists, camera crew, extra to run the studio for you while you select your directors and stars to make your movies glow. The stars are what you might begin to look at as customers, they whine and cry if you don't cater to there needs and will totally mess with your movies success if you ignore them. It's much like babysitting. As far as your movies go, you have the option of creating your own storyboards out of a set of semiflexable scenes or having the script writers do it for you. Ether way, your goal is to make money and with big at the award cerimonys. The cerimonys are why I labeled the gameplay as HARD, simply because I found it annoyingly difficult to please the AI. Sure, I beat the game, as a successful studio easy but becoming the top studio seems impossible because no matter how good your stars were or how you perfected your script, you could never seem to get above one star more than your top scriptwriter could do when it came to movies. In the end after seeing the same scenerios minorly altered over and over, it got old really quick after a little more than a week I was done with it.

Graphics: They where fair good for having to provide flexibility when it came to constant customizing, but they weren't enough to make me excited enough to contiue to play.

Story: Well, it is a simulation, so there is no real story, but you can listen to the radio broadcasts to follow the events that happened to occur over the timeline in which you were making movies.

Controls: Basic and easy to follow.