How could they. How could Gamespot have rated one of the best point-and-click games ever a measly 4.9? The Neverhood is nothing short of a masterpeice. With its brilliant sense of humor and amazing landscape, mixed with clever puzzles, you can't go wrong. The characters are interesting (Willie Trumbone is one of the high-lights) and are wonderfully crafted out of clay. This original approch is great and works really well with the puzzles and cut scenes. Sadly, The Neverhood is not on sale anymore but if you know anyone who has it or you've seen it on E-Bay its a definate must buy. Gamespot say it's a 4.9 We say its a 9.1
I think maybe Gamespot should actually get people who can actually play the game properly before giving it a bad reveiw.
I think this is the BEST point and click adventure game of all times.It is the first adventure game I played as a kid. I completed the game about 4 times. The graphics and animations are great. The cinematics are the... Read Full Review
When writing your review, remember to keep the language clean. Reviews must be 100 words minimum. We encourage you to try to get your review right the first time--you may choose to edit it later on, but by doing so, you ... Read Full Review