This is such a magical game! Artwork reminds me on some children stories, but boy it is so much more.
User Rating: 9 | The Night of the Rabbit PC
Journey to the world of magic and treewalkers, forest critters and magicians. On the first sight it looked like a children game, i liked it even than, but as the story passed it started to get serious. I couldn't stop playing whenever i had time until i finished it. This is a children story for adults, the story will get you back to your childhood so you can feel how its like to be a kid again. This is "Alice in Wonderland" for adventure games. It will get you trough the rabbit whole and show you different worlds. Finally you will see the world from the perspective of some small creature, and it isn't always nice like in fairy tales. If you ever wanted as a kid to go to some other mystic worlds or to see what is hidden from us in this world, pack your backpack and remember that nothing is impossible...
For me this is an instant classic.