Not only do you get an entertaining original story and presentation, great graphics and a fantastic soundtrack, but...
User Rating: 9 | The Operative: No One Lives Forever Game of the Year Edition PC
You also get one of the best first-person shooters around. No One Lives Forever is set up in a 60s comic-style Bond era – in fact, more towards Austin Powers rather than a James Bond film. It displays some of the most hilarious scenes that I have ever seen in a video game along with some exciting action. The enemy AI is implemented extremely well as many of the battles do not play out the same adding to replay value. There are also plenty of spy gadgets which are fun to use. One aspect of the game that I like is that missions play out just long enough before it gets tedious – ergo, it is paced perfectly. And in between levels are some excellently done cut-scenes which are often uproarious; moreover, the training levels are integrated within these segments thus allowing one to test new gadgets. The levels also have a ranking system, therefore encouraging players to replay levels and opt for a stealth approach, or try weapons that were not previously available. It is important to note that NOLF has some of the most memorable characters ever created, and their voice counterparts are well done. One of the real stars of the video game is the soundtrack: it is simply superb. With great graphics, and everything else mentioned above (or anything I forgot), The Operative ranks as one of the best first-person shooters available.