5 games 1 box, but what games are in it and is it a game you should buy?

User Rating: 10 | The Orange Box X360

this game "the orange box" is a very good game, but obviously when you hear the game the orange box you right away know the phrase five games one box. well first of all 3 of the 5 games are from the half life series which are half life 2, half life 2 episode , and half life 2 episode 2 now lets just get one thing straight all 3 of those games are sick and each one should cost about $40 a game, the half life series just got better it's just threw the 3 games you will see about the same guns but there are lots of puzzels through the games which might not really look like a puzzel you just have to use your common sence. also you will see a variety of places to go threw the game. also there is a vast amount of creatures and monster humans that your going to face, over all the 3 games for the half life series is out standing in my perspective.
next game PORTAL this game is a really mind bending game that really needs you to thing before you each move, you will start off and end with a portal gun, its just in the start off the game you will only be incontrol of the blue portal and later on the orange and the blue portal. the story isn't all that great but for this game it dosent really matter, near the mid-end part of the game you finally figure out that the robot who leads you ends up trying to kill you. and just telling you at the end of the game listen to the song in the credits it's really fun.
and for our last game it called team fortress 2 this game to me only counts as half if you don't have xbox live because you really can't do anything in this game without xbox live, this game dosent have a story line just mostly red vs blue now when your playing the game you have about 8-9 characters to choose from from offence to suport all the way to defence which is a multiplayer game you will like.
now thats all 5 games in just one box and this is a game you should really buy if you want a game that will really last for a long time!