The orange box is a combination of five brilliant games, Half Life 2, Episode one, Episode 2, Portal and team fortress2
half life two episode one continues after half life 2's brilliant cliffhanger ending, unfortunately the length of this story is not the same as half life 2 (as the episodes are supposed to equal one game story length) but it is just as brilliant as its predecessor and it has the return of the brilliant grav gun from the start of the game. The story of this short episode ends in as much of a cliff hanger as the one before it. Id rate this 9/10.
Half life 2 episode 2 continues straight after episode ones ending and has another brilliant story (featuring the grav gun:D) . It is of a similar length to episode one and its gameplay mechanics are brilliant just as its predecessors. It has a brilliant and engaging story and the last mission of the game is the best (and hardest) of all three of the games with another brilliant cliffhanger. Id rate this 10/10.
Portal is a original brilliant game which has you playing as an anonymous prisoner partaking in different challenges with the use of your portal gun. The portal gun fires two coloured portals( once you've got the upgraded version) one blue and one orange. You fire them at a wall or a surface and if you walk through for example the blue you come out of the orange. As the game progresses the challenges get harder as surfaces become portal resistant and you have to become more clever and faster in how you use the gun. It has a good story and a brilliant tag line - "the cake is a lie". Id rate this 11/10 :P
And finally Team fortress 2 a game which hosts many modes of play. One mode is on a map called 2 fort which is basically capture the intelligence where your team has to steal an intelligence briefcase and return it to base. It has other gametypes which mainly involve territoies. As i mainly play on 2fort (but i have played on all of the maps) my review will not be as accurate as the last one. On one map it has a version of territories if your defending you lose that possition forever and then the attackers move onto the next point. Once the timer runs out or all of the points have been captured the game ends. Another map has 3 points on it the defenders have to defend these points the attackers attack these points the game ends when all 3 points are captured or time runs out. Finally there is a territoies gametype which has both teams attacking trying to get all of the points. The game ends when all points are captured by one team or time runs out. all in all team fortress 2 is a brilliant game id rate it 10/10.
Overall i rate the orange box 10/10 and id say 5 brilliant games for the price of one is a hell of a good deal.