This game is the best deal you will ever get!
Half life2:this game is legendary and never gets old. every part is different with more action an puzzles i would give this a 9 in the box
HL2:E1:this game was......well...not great. it was much too short and really didnt have a key point to the game at all. the only part i enjoyed was blasting people away with the improved gravity gun. ill give this game a 7.5 in the box.
HL2:E2: Now in this general game is action packed! I think i enjoyed this game the most out of all the half lifes. Many people might disagree but i thought this one was absoulty great. Im giving this one a 9.5 in the box
Portal: This game is easily one of the most creative games ive ever played. It was very fun for the time playing but once i beat it the only thing i played was the last battle against gladous(who is very funny btw).Im giving this a 8.5 in the box
TF2: Now the last game and i have to say that this is one of the best games i have ever played. Many people complain "Not enough maps" but im my opinion this has the perfect amount of maps. 2fort can get old dustbowl i can almost never stop playing. besides those 2 maps almost never get old. with the different classes every game is different. im going to give this game a 10 in the box.