Orange Box. It makes me smile. :)
The Orange Box is a deal. I'm serious It will give your wallet a boner. Yeah its that good. 5 games from valve on 1 disc in 1 orange box ( 3 of which are "Half-Life 2" and it's successors). The other two being the one of a kind strategy/ puzzle game "Portal", and online multiplayer "Team Fortress". I'll start with "Half Life 2" and the add-ons". Truthfully I've just played thru "Half-Life 2" and I'm just starting episode 1( next would of-coarse be episode 2). I hadn't played a "Half-Life" game before orange box came into my life. and when I started to play I admit I wasn't very impressed. the story seemed dull and the game-play was unoriginal. I however stuck with it. I am very happy I did too. The game-play and story evolved into something deeper and more complex as the character I directed Freeman made his way to victory. The arsenal includes the gravity gun which is one of those factors that makes "Half-Life" more than a strategy shooter. It makes it a freakin awesome strategy shooter. Portal has traits from its big brother "Half-Life". But instead of a gravity Gun you wield a portal gun. You make your way through seemingly impassable rooms while a surprising and surprisingly hilarious story unfolds before you with your portal gun at your aid. The game is addicting and leaves you wanting more (mostly because of it's unfortunate shortness). You can return to levels to try and beat time trials after the credits roll. "Team Fortress" is a frantic multiplayer. It unfortunately is only online and doesn't allow co-op or multiplayer. Each class have unique weapons and abilities. Do you want a Flame thrower? Do you want to be invisible? Or do you want to be that nice guy who takes care of the booboos? Your gonna put a lot of time into this game and take just 30 bucks out of your wallet. I hope my review helped. Now I'm gonna eat cake and wait for a second Portal.