FIVE Valve games in one package? It has the price of one normal game? I'm sorry...but how could your possibly go wrong?
Continuing the lineup is Half Life 2: Episode 1. Although, I'm not too much of a fan of episodic content, mainly due to its short gameplay time, you still can't go wrong here. The story continues with the familiar story from the predecessor. The Orange Box begins to truely shine with the last three components. The first, Half Life 2: Episode 2. It's about time the next chapter came out, and it tops the original in every way, shape, and form. Though still relatively short, it is still a solid entry with memorable moments. Second, Portal is an amazing new concept in gaming. Perhaps not entirely new due to the countless portal gun additions to GMOD as well as the spiritual successor Narbacular Drop, but portals have finally been done correctly. The game is very short, but the puzzler is worth every second and dollar spent. Its humorous and witty and designed very well. The ending credits song alone is well worth playing through the entire game numerous times. The third and final piece to The Orange Box is Team Fortress 2. I cannot stress how amazing this game is. This game is the glue that holds the whole compilation together and ensures months of gameplay. Being the only multiplayer game in the box, it does what it was meant to do, recreate the class based online FPS the we all know and love. The art style is beautiful, although many may consider it a turn off. Each aspect of the game has so much character it will never fail to entertain you. The game isn't a graphics extravaganza, but it has something many high profile titles are lacking: gameplay. (Well other than the wonderful art style of Team Fortress 2) This word was overused in this review, but its what you would like in a game purchase. $45 for this much content...Nothing more needs to be said.
This review is more like a summary stating the pure brilliance of the game. Going into too much detail would be wasting precious time you could be using to go out right now and pick this game up. You will not be disappointed. (10/10)