The Orange Box is not all its cracked up to be...
Half Life 2: I don't know maybe I got lost or something, I was told this was one of the best FPS games to ever happen on planet Earth. I played this game for only three hours before I wanted to rip my face off from sheer boredom, I didn't care at all about the story and maybe that is what makes it great but when a game goes on for two hours before I get a decent gun... I stop caring. Needless to say I never picked it up again... Sorry nerds!
Portal: An amazing game actually if I could rate this aside from the other two it would get something like an 8.5. The only bad thing about this game is that on my first play through I beat it in an hour and a half.. I'm sure on my second I could cut that down to under an hour... sadly its way too short. But don't let that stop you, its a good time waster, figuring out portal mechanics and listening to the hilarious Aperture Science robot... good game.
TFC2: In my younger years I was a huge fan of TFC, I don't know why I just love the classes in a FPS and the capture the flag teamwork aspect. I think its one the the greatest games ever made, that being said they ruined it with TFC2. Now game play is alright and its not complete garbage but on a nostalgic standpoint its terrible. What they did to the graphics and costumes is just unforgivable. And no grenades... I'm not sure what the community that played TFC thought about grenades in that game but to me they were the life blood.. the thing that made it more than just amazing but freakin stupid amazing. All the different kind of special grenades, grenade priming, conc jumping.. all gone.. just taken out... I didn't get it... and I still don't. So in short its not terrible, but it is.