Burnt Orange Box ... if this game were a fashion designer you'd be slepping with Georgio Armani. 1st Class!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I played the Episode 2 1st given I had just replayed HL2 and Episode 1 in antipation. I'll agree with those that came before me, excellent. And when played in order, Episode one was like those early episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel Air where you could see Will Smith mouthing the lines of the other characters. The show was still funny, just early on it looked too canned. The end sequence was heart pounding at the harder setting I chose. But memorable. Without a doubt, it was like playing a great SciFi movie. It took me four days to complete with after work play and a weekend in between. Probably a good 20 hours. Team Fortress 2 is hilarious in a cry myself to sleep while rocking myself back in force hugging my knees in my tidy whitees. (Great line I read in PC Gamer once). It is simple to learn, complex to master ... jerks ... but I can see I'll play more. I am wondering how it will stack up against BF2142 in play time. I am still seeing 200 active servers on BF2142 during weekdays and over 400 on weekends. But right now it seems TF 2 is still light on participation. Not engaging enough? Dunno.