A game that depends on if you like half life or not.
User Rating: 8.5 | The Orange Box X360
The Orange Box is a really great deal as long as you like Half Life 2. If your not a fan of Half Life and dont play it, then this is just not really a great deal. Episode Two, i thought, was a very great game since previously i wasnt a fan of Half Life 2, i was surpised at how i liked it. Its a game with quick learning curve and good FPS. The other included Half Life 2 games that come with it i thought kinda blew and i dont care for em but still its a good deal for Episode Two. Also included is Portal. Portal is an amazing game that includes you shooting your way through and eventually to escape a labe with a portal gun that defines gravity and leaves you wanting more. Easily you can beat portal in one sitting, but its story is still amazing despite its shortness in length of the game. Also included is Team Fortress 2, an online only multiplayer game that is pretty addicting but not a whole lot to see. Theres only a couple of maps or so and each map only has one game mode available to it. The classes are nice although as they each have their own individual personality and look. The Orange Box does a bad job of acheivments. If you someone who likes to get hard acheviements for big points then this game is NOT for you. About 90% of the 99 acheivments are only worth 5g, and most of them are very very very hard to get. Their is no structure in achievments in this game and they did a poor job with it. But if you one who just likes to play games then i think this is a prefect game for you.