Very in depth. Long as hell and is completely worth every penny. Portal is unlike any other game. Check this one out.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Orange Box PS3
The Orange Box is a game that is taking first person shooters to a new level. With the complete series of Half Life as well as two completely original first person shooters, this game is something of a treasure chest of value. Many games offer subtle action and quasi immersive first person action, and yet still throw on a 60 dollar price tag. Weve been fooled before but this one is no joke. Im still not even past the second half life game and ive had it for over 2 months. Now granted i have been playing other solid games like COD4 and Oblivion during this same time, The Orange Box is up there with my favorites. The level of detail of the environments as well as the connection the player feels with the world he is trying to save is undeniable. Its amazing how they can take such an old game like Half Life 2, polish it up to next gen levels and then create such a treasure trove of gamer action. I highly recommend this game to anyone who has been let down by the extremely short campaign modes of games like COD4 and others much like it. This game will keep you occupied for endless hours as you explore the 1984 style future of the human race. All in all if you havent purchased this game yet, save up your skrill cause its worth every last penny.