Great package with more HL2, a witty mind bending puzzle game, and divine multi-player for the masses.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Orange Box PC
Episode 2 is just more HL2. Well paced, highly refined, first person action and puzzle solving with just enough story to keep you involved. Not much new to the game play, but that's why it's Episode 2, not Half-Life 3. Short: 2-4 hours.

Portal advertised itself to be a new kind of puzzle game and it does that brilliantly. It gets extra credit for dry, dark, wittiness that I found laugh out loud funny. Most fun I've had playing a game in a long time. Again short: 2-4 hours.

Team Fortress 2 is a highly refined multi-player game with game mechanics that don't grossly favor the elite players. There's an advantage to being good and being smart in this game, but it's not so exaggerated that a casual player can't function. Class variety is a blast and the style of this game is a hoot. Lots of replay value here.