It's like the Old Country Buffet of games.
User Rating: 9.5 | The Orange Box X360
Could they cram anymore hours of shooter into one game? I had already played and beaten Half Life 2 (which by itself is still an awesome game) when this came out, but hadn't got to experience Episodes 1 & 2 yet. The first thing I went to however was Portal figuring I'd just get it out of the way and crack into Ep.1. Man was I wrong. This game sucked up almost an entire night in and of itself. I never thought I'd have to think in such weird ways to solve puzzles before. And the computer voice that speaks to you throughout is hilarious! Anyway after an evening of this great game I moved on to Episode 1. Awesome! If you liked Half Life 2 you owe it to yourself to play through this. Same goes with Episode 2. Both pretty short games on their own, but combined with H F 2 they make for a long and satisfying adventure. Unfortunately I really haven't played much of Team Fortress. Online gaming's not really my thing, but what little I played seemed like a nice addition to this already killer package. Yes the graphics are a little dated, but barely and not nearly enough to detract from these amazing games. If you're looking for a shooter that'll get you the most bang for your buck (no pun intended), this is definitely the game to pick up. I highly recommend it.