Dont listen to anything that anyone is saying against this game. This game is a$$-kicking !!!

User Rating: 9 | The Orange Box PS3
First off, I was very skeptic about buying this game because of all the negative vibe it was getting and the comparison videos that were shown on the internet. Then after buying it, I realised the comparison videos are nothing more than M$ using their dirty money to porduce comparison videos to make the ps3 look like a crap system. The Orange Box, does not have many framerate issues!!! If you have all seen the video where the os3 version is supposed to lag, when he is on the hover cart, whoa whats this? How suprising, the game isnt having any lagging and there are NO FRAMERATE issues as there are in the video review. Then the second bad thing is supposed to be the incredibly loooong load times, give it up! The load times are exactly 11-13 seconds long and they occur every 10 to 15 minutes during the game. So what have I learned from this? DOnt trust videogame websites worth sh!t. If you think you might like a game, rent it, then buy it. Dont ever base your game buying on what othe people think. I know from experience that this game is great and is worth every penny! Fvck you M$